ブランドコンセプトは『Strategy From Underground』。
SKATEと90'カルチャーが融合したNYストリートへのオマージュ、アンダーグラウンドに根づくリアリティ、 そして情熱を持って生きる者へのリスペクトが、“Naughty”のベースを形成する。
The brand concept is 'Strategy From Underground'.The respect to the person who lives with the reality and the zeal that takes root in hommage and Underground to the NY street where culture united ..SKATE and 90'.. forms the base of “Naughty". A modern street item that injects a spicy play mind is announced based on a basic item that has continued for the trend not to be controlled and to remain. Saportoment such as real skaters and the sympathizing artist is positively done. And, 2010 and new development are being executed.